Friday, October 01, 2004

October 1, 2004

WOW! What a turnout last night. Thank you all. Stay tuned to the website: next week for pics. Planning on doing it again for last debate, Wednesday, October 13th. Got a great call this morning from someone who did a better job than any "talking head" in breaking out last night's debate.

Good morning, Mr. Jericho!
Kerry was not prepared. Oh, he was well prepped on style, but the substance
was all DNC-wrong:
(1) Talking about going into Afghanistan to get Osama. Wrong! Osama is
hiding in caves in Pakistan, not in Afghanistan. That's why the Pakistanis
are the ones searching for him, because they won't allow coalition troops
inside their borders. Kerry shouldn't have skipped all those intel
(2) "We didn't need that tax cut." I'm sure a wealthy guy like Kerry didn't
need it, but us "just plain folks" did, and the economy surely did. Those
tax cuts are what stimulated the economy out of the recession that was
foretold by the the fall in exconomic indicators starting around mid-year
Y2K (twilight of the Clinton-Gore years).
(3) Hanoi John kept repeating that Bush "rushed" into war with Iraq.
Twelve years and seventeen UN resolutions is not a "rush."
(4) Incredibly, Kerry flip-flopped in less than 90 minutes time. First he
said that going to war with Iraq was a mistake, then he said it was not a
mistake. I guess the guy just can't keep himself from waffling.
(5) The president always has the right to go to war. "But if and when you
do it Jim, you have to do it in a way that passes the global test..." The
global test? Disaster. Major disaster. UN John surfaces. (Hugh Hewitt,
(6) We should have given Iran nuclear fuel? Another disaster, and totally
irresponsible, Senator. Once again he proves that he has no business being
president. Iran can't be trusted not to enrich uranium for bombs. And what
do the Iranians need a nuke reactor for, anyway? Not for the power, as
they're sitting on one of the largest resevoirs of the world's oil supply.
(7) Kerry wants bilateral talks with North Korea. Let's get this straight:
30 nations are not enough for a Colation of the Willing, but 5 nations are
too many to sit down and convince North Korea to give up nukes? Deal out
China, the only country in the world which has some influence over Kim?
This does not compute.
(8) "My position on Iraq has been consistent." I laughed so hard I fell out
of my chair on this one. Bald-faced lie, and the voters know it.
(9) "I will kill the bunker-busting nuclear weapons program." Ack! Kerry
revives the nuclear freeze! And years after Reagan proved that a freeze was
the wrong way to go.
(10) "I didn't say I would bring home our troops in six months, I said six
months if..." Wow, I can see that one in a GOP campaign ad. Kerry also
said four years. Did he say six months before he said four years, or was it
the other way around?
John Kerry demonstrated last night that he is ill-equipped to sit in the
oval office. He displayed a disturbing ignorance on key foreign policy
issues. Even more troubling, some of his notions are patently dangerous.

I'll add more later. See ya, you putz's you!

1 comment:

Duane k said...

Mr. Jericho,
Great event, wish I was going to be in town for the one next week. Keep up the good work.