Wednesday, February 01, 2006


It is amazing to me how many people are uncomfortable in a man expressing emotion. Beyond that how liberals will stoop to any level to take a cheap shot. Liberal Bloggers are abuzz this morning because I dared to say on my program I was hurt and cried over someone I believed was my friend betraying me. Somehow this makes me weak. Amazing that Clinton can say he feels their pain and he is deified but someone who actually expresses honest emotion is ridiculed…oh I forgot I am a conservative and Liberal rules only extend to liberals. Free speech, great for liberals but let a Conservative speak out and well we’ve got to enact hate speech legislation to stop that.

Let me ask all you liberals an honest question. If you had a friend, a friend who told you they loved you, respected you and then lied to you and purposefully went out of their way to hurt you would you be hurt? Are you capable of any sort of real emotions or are you all so filled with hate and spite that you expect betrayal and hurt from everyone else including your friends?

I live my life by a set of rules. The name on my Citizenship and Social Security Card reads: Vincent David Jericho and Vincent David Jericho stands up everyday and very publicly lives by the rules he has set out. I don’t hide behind anonymous posts and I do not ambush people because I believe people deserve to know up front what your agenda is. Someone who has to resort to ambush or anonymous posts cannot by definition be proud of themselves or what they stand for. Why else would they resort to subterfuge or stay hidden in the shadows.

My name IS Vincent David Jericho and I'll see you on the radio.

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