Friday, July 14, 2006

Stand Up


Hope you heard new themse song this morning. For more info on the Right Brothers go to:


The Libertarian Guy said...

Does anyone have a picture of Eleanor Clift with a smile on her face? For the life of me, I don't think I've ever seen it happen, or that it can happen.

tom said...

The top 2 along with Jessica Alba make it worthwhile to look at, the rest are just plain to average looking. As for Ann Coulter being a man at some point in her life, she isn't that good looking as a woman I think she would make a better man.

Anonymous said...

As a joke this is mildly amusing, I suppose. It certainly doesn't make any substantive comment on anything of real civic importance. But, another way to look at is this: How many steps from X=ugly to X=less-than-human? or X=not us, i.e. not U.S. So this seems to me another symptom of the pernicious idea that one ideology is a correct representation of reality and another is wrong...or worse. I include my own political ideology in this statement.

It seems to me that Mr. Jericho aspires to be a serious commenter on civic affairs and a serious leader of political and public opinion. This ugly-women silliness is unworthy of that effort.

Although a step in the right direction (interpret it as a pun if you wish) could be his attendance at the next Springfield Bloggers meeting on 1 August where he will meet a wide range of bloggers-- independents, non-partisans, liberals, conservatives, and our token libertarian :-) And, as a bonus, we may have a special guest that might interest Mr. Jericho.


The Libertarian Guy said...

Mr. Cline,

It may not be as simple as "ugly vs. not". IMO, it's also about how each side presents itself.

For instance: I've noticed that liberals, when they're on the tube, tend to look angry and, therefore, less attractive. Example: Eleanor Clift. I've never seen her smile.

Or, when they ARE smiling, it seems forced and plastic - think Joe Biden or Mrs. Bill Clinton. You wonder what they're really thinking, and it probably ain't pretty.

Not that Republicans have a lock on sunshine-and-happiness TV presentations... law of averages, perhaps.

But, it's fun to watch the talking heads on Sunday, especially the party bosses and RNC/DNC spokesmelons. It's bread-and-circuses entertainment, sad and fun to watch simultaneously, as both sides figure out how they're going to micromanage the world and find new and exciting ways to run our lives for us.

That's all the sarcasm I have for now. Have a government-approved day! :)

Anonymous said...

A.Cline needs to get a date with a real live girl. Dude, it's called humor. You laugh at it, not ANALyze it. BTW, why would you post as anonymous, and then put your name at the end?!?