Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes!

Tax his land, tax his wage,Tax his bed in which he lays.Tax his tractor, tax his mule,Teach him taxes is the rule.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,Tax his pants, tax his coat.Tax his ties, tax his shirts,Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, tax his drink,Tax him if he tries to think.Tax his booze, tax his beers,If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his gas,Tax his notes, tax his cash.Tax him good and let him knowThat after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,Tax him until he's good and sore.Tax his coffin, tax his grave,Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,"Taxes drove me to my doom!"And when he's gone, we won't relax,We'll still be after the inheritance TAX

Hey maybe you'll get a refund!!
Accounts Receivable TaxBuilding Permit TaxCDL license TaxCigarette TaxCorporate Income TaxDog License TaxFederal Income TaxFederal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)Fishing License TaxFood License TaxFuel permit taxGasoline Tax (??? cents per gallon)Hunting License TaxInheritance TaxInterest expense (tax on the money)Inventory taxIRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)Liquor TaxLuxury TaxesMarriage License TaxMedicare TaxProperty TaxReal Estate TaxService charge taxesSocial Security TaxRoad usage taxes (Truckers)Sales TaxesRecreational Vehicle TaxSchool TaxState Income TaxSocial Security TaxState Unemployment Tax (SUTA)Telephone federal excise taxTelephone federal universal service fee taxTelephone federal, state and local surcharge taxesTelephone minimum usage surcharge taxTelephone recurring and non-recurring charges taxTelephone state and local taxTelephone usage charge taxUtility TaxesVehicle License Registration TaxVehicle Sales TaxWatercraft registration TaxWell Permit TaxWorkers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened?
See ya on the radio!


tom said...

Your not going to like my answer but here goes.
We have this group of people I'll call the politicoes(politicians)then there is this other group of people called politicoe supporters(money donors).
In order to carry favor to the supporter group of people the politicoes saw to it to use the taxcode to benfit certain types of behaviors and reward the supporter class for allowing the politicoes to have power. Of course this allowed for another group of people to be prevelant on the political landscape and these people we'll call the entitled class(people that receive entitlements from the hard working taxpayer).
The last group of people is called the taxpayer, they are the average hard working class of Americans that don't have a voice LOUD enough for the politicoes to hear or understand. Although this group of people pays out a large percentage of their income to the 3 other classifications of people.
The reason these people can't hollar loud enough to be heard would be because someone is always telling them that if they don't vote a certain way that will allow the other politicoe to have his/her way with where the money goes and to whom it benefits.
Close to 98 million people voted for the status quo of government during the last election cycle, and as long as people remain asleep at the ballot box then they get what they have which is politicoes selling them down the river into disrepair.
When politicians carry favor over "certain" groups because of money or voting blocks it is time to expell that person oout of office.
We have given the democrats and the republicans 100 years to do the damage they have done within the border and beyond. Lets endorse political diversity and put in third party candidates since they probably will listen to the people that placed them into office and they have no political ties to any organized supporter politicoes.

tom martz

state representative candidate for the 139th district

The Libertarian Guy said...

The power to tax has become the power to intimidate and control. It should be a felony to use the IRS as a tool of retribution against ones' enemies, and that's not even a good start... but you have to start somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm never heard your show; I have a feeling I wouldn't agree with your rants and slants. Still, I know educated citizens who do listen - mostly to dish about your idiocy. But a link on Chatter led me here today. It looks like you have little feeback from your posts, so I thought I'd help you out with a little feedback from me, an "anonymous person." The end of this particular post says "... and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What happened?" Mom got smart, Mr. Jericho, and decided she was done being a second-class citizen who was a slave to her male counterpart. Mom realized she could have her own career, funds and a life outside of the home. Mom realized she could raise perfectly respectable kids while not being home all day waiting for the dryer repairman. Simply put, Mom wanted - and has almost attained - equity. So sorry about the taxes ...