Friday, December 16, 2005

December 16, 2005

OK I'm back. First let me say the more I read and research the more I am convinced Romance Novels ARE female porn.

That said let me share a few links.

Red Skelton on the Pledge of Allegiance:

The Night Before Christmas ACLU style:

Lastly please consider and keep this in your prayers.

My son has been shot in Fallujah. I wanted to get everyone to pray for my son Chad. Today, Sunday, I got a call from the Army that my son had been shot in the head. I am asking for all your prayers. He was in a Humvee going through Fallujah fighting and a gang of militia fighters fired on the Humvee and hit Chad in the head. The driver got him out of the city and took him to Baghdad. He was in fatal condition, but now has been upgraded to stable critical. His dad and I are on standby to fly to Washington then on to Germany as soon as the military calls us to go. The Army is trying to stabilize him enough to fly to Germany and at that time we will leave. Please pray that my son will not have brain damage and that he will be restored and healed by the blood of Jesus, and the grace of God. I ask for you to pass this prayer request on so there will be many prayer warriors praying for him. Thank you so much and I will try to keep you updated on his condition.

God Bless Vicky Field Granbury, Texas

See ya on the radio!

Monday, November 28, 2005

November 28, 2005

Note in my diary for tomorrow morning 7am: Jill- Author of naughty books!

Yep we'll talk to Jill and anyone else about woman's por...I mean woman's romance novels.

From this morning, if you want to learn how to sing check out

Had a really neat conversation re a book on Rock Climbing, "The Warriors Way".

Two knees ago I used to climb. This sounds like a great read. Nothing weird just the cerebral side of Rock Climbing. May find this the topic one Manic Monday.

Given all the emails I've received on tomorrows show I'm going to to take a nap and eat some vitamins. See ya on the radio!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

November 22, 2005

This flu sucks. It hit me like an anvil late Monday and I'm only now feeling anything close to lucid. Hope I haven't said too many stuipid things on air, well no more than I usually do!

Few housekeeping things. If you want more info on Richhard Miniter, author of disinformation, go to:

For more info on The Regional Girsl Shelter of if you can help out please call Judy Bilyeu at Metro Builders Supply 833-1113. They are located at 3252 North Glenstone. email her at:

For more info re the Salvation Army's Big Red Kettle or if you are a business and would like to have the Red Kettle for a day or more email me:

I hope that is all the housekeeping. Got a great email re the prison girls and their letters for money thing:


As much as porn--soft or hard--disgusts me to the core, I am wondering if Nixon is singling out these 33 women. Are other prisoners who are making money in a similar manner allowed to keep the money? I believe that no prisoner should be allowed to profit on-line, regardless where the money goes. They cannot vote--why should they be able to run a business? True, it may be good "training" for the business world...but these women are not going to get out and open a business. Maybe a brothel... They are paying no overhead, wages, etc, and are reaping all the benefits. they can take advantage of all the free college they can get as that "experience". it doesnt matter if they were to make $10.00 or $100,000.00; it should NOT be allowed in the first place.
Since you will not release the addresses (thank you!!), please let us know the institutions so we can complain.

At least Nixon took the money; he should stop it altogether.

Tomorrow the guys wanting to open a Jazz Bar on Commercial.

See ya on the radio!

Friday, November 11, 2005

November 11, 2005

WOW. What a great day. If you wanted to go to the flag retirement ceremony it is at Montclair Retirement Community, 1000 East Montclair Street. 1-block south of Battlefield and 1 Block north of National.

If you have never been, go and DO take the kids.

It was a great show with so many wonderful veterans. Happy Veterans Day and Glod Bless America!!

See ya on the radio!

ps the poems from the show were sent PDF files. I have to re-type them. Check back Monday.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

November 10, 2005

The Ozark Mind Set

From our show today I think values play a role in Motivation and Ambition in that they direct it...toward job or family. However sometimes that can be an excuse not to get involved. There is another explaination as laid out in this email

I listen to you everyday when I wake up for awhile and when I drive to work, total of about 30 minutes or so. I have been here since 1997 and had worked in the pest control industry until 2000. I came in contact with business owners and they have asked me if I know anyone they could hire because they just can't find anyone who is honest and/or reliable. Different kinds of business but always the same complaint. I always asked what they were paying and it was always low pay. I told them to pay more and they will get someone of the quality they want. Of course they don't and they struggle with the issue of hiring someone good.
I have worked for FIRSTUSA, BANKONE AND NOW CHASE since the latest merger. I will have been there six years in May 2006. In 2005 I make less money than I made in 2002. I am good at the job and a mentor to new people. I don't get the recognition in pay, I have not had a raise since May of 2003. It drives me nuts to see the people of Springfield put up with this manipulation. I have talked to other advisors like myself. They know jobs are limited at the pay we have and don't want to jeopardize their positions. Nothing happens and every year the company takes away more.This is the first strike against this town.
I am originally from California and grew up in Europe. My dad was in the Air Force.Culture is almost non-existent here. My daughter and I go to live plays in town and travel to St Louis often to enjoy entertainment, Zoo, Science Center etc....Second strike, no culture.
I went through a divorce, took three years and around $30,000. Talk about the good ol' boy system. I had a guardian ad litem, which helped, but was made to do things which really benefited the system of lawyers, counselors etc......I have had alot of contact with Springfields' finest at the police dept. I have been assaulted by the ex-wifes boyfriend three major times. I now have a restraining order against him. My daughter lives with me 50% of the time and the other half with her mom. Every other week basically. The boyfriend was arrested for selling LSD to an undercover cop in 1993. After many continuances he got probation. My daughter now is around this loser every other week and he allows no phone contact during the week. My daughter wants to live with me fulltime. Now I will have to get involved in the court system again and start the engine of legal fighting, which as you know is fueled by money.
Springfield doesn't want to change, we are the third largest city in Missouri. I have met some nice people but can't wait to get out of here. I will stay here because of my daughter but as soon as I can I will go West! I would like to get involved in something meaningful to change this town but it seems so overwhelming. Where do we start? I referee soccer at Lake Country and really enjoy it. I do appreciate your efforts and passion and would like this to be a progressive city. Not happening with all these good ol' boys.

See ya on the radio!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

November 9, 2005

I did not want to come accross as gloating this morning. I WAS surprised by the result of the election but incredibly gratified. I am honored to fight with each you side by side.

I believe the next issue we need to take on is the Petition to have the City of Springfield, audited. Will be announcing our initiative on that next Monday,

If you missed it here is my column from the Community Free Press on the CSI it include it here.

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is due out December. I was 7 the first time I heard the story of the beautiful woman {read Witch} who lures the young boy into evil by offering him a delectable piece of candy.

So often evil comes in an inviting package.

The people of Green County are being asked to vote on The Community Safety Initiative. A laudable initiative that if approved will direct millions of dollars in new sales tax revenue to The Sheriff’s department, the County Prosecutors Office, there will even be monies available for the construction of a much needed Crime Lab.

How could anyone not support such a thing?


It is my observation that many if not most Americans have swallowed the Big Lie, “got a problem…let Government, “The Big G”, solve it for you”. Somehow a country that used to pride itself on initiative and rugged individualism has collectively decided they would rather stay on the couch and watch television while The Big G takes care of things. In fact the Big G has been taking care of more and more things lately giving us all more “couch time”.

Schools screwed up…call Big G. Kids got a problem, Mommy G. Meth, domestic violence, child abuse…”let Big G handle it I’m too busy on the couch”.

There was a time in our country when The People would take care of these problems and in fact got downright angry if Big G stuck its nose anywhere near. America was better for it. Faith based institutions actually did more than build monuments to themselves, family took care of family and neighbors knew and watched after one another.

As a conservative and as a Christian I have a duty to get up from the couch and take on what is MY responsibility. I do not believe that Government is the answer to any of my problems. I believe we the people empowered by a sovereign God {The real Big G} can find the solutions to all of our problems.

An Early Childhood Development Center is a symbol. A symbol of each one of us laying down our responsibilities to our children our family our neighbor our community and handing them all over to the care of the new god of the 21st Century…Big G.

Does the Sheriff’s department need more deputies? Yes. Does Darrel Moore need more prosecutors? Yes. Does southwest Missouri need a new crime lab? Desperately! Who then decided to wrap all this good around a Child Development Center?

Much like the candy in the story is enticing I believe the idea of a Child Development Center is attractive to a lot of people.

In either case the ultimate cost though is our soul.

See ya on the radio!

Monday, October 31, 2005

October 31, 2005

First its raining and going to keep on so PLEASE slow down tonight and watch out for the munchkins!

Second here are some great links to check out the President's Supreme Court nominee:,_Jr.

Third conclusive proof liberals and the ACLU are brain damaged:

See you on the radio!

Friday, October 28, 2005

October 28, 2005

I wish it were different but the reality is there are predators among us. Please do all you can to keep your children safe this Halloween. To help you here are links you need to check and discuss with your children BEFORE they "trick or treat".

Then to map things out and get some arials:

Lots to talk about on Monday...Be safe and we'll see you on the radio!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

October 25, 2005

The Meth Summit really is an event that everyone should attend.

To learn more about Dr. Mary Holley go to:

Susan York

The Meth Summit takes place in Bolivar, Friday, October 28th @ 7pm. Saturday, October 29th @ 1 pm.

Directions: Highway 13 North to Highway 32 East. Go through the Bolivar Square 3 blocks to Albany, turn left. Go 3 blocks to Intervention Ministries Center at corner of Albany & Locust.

I have been asked to write a column for Community Free Press on my position re Community Safety Initiative. Form your own opinion here's the proposal.

See you on the radio!

Monday, October 24, 2005

October 24, 2005

After a show like this morning's I tend to end up just empotionally spent.

For those of you who caught our segment with Brenda Castalgo and want to discuss what can be done to change state laws and thus give parents more say over their children please email me:

If there is enough interest we will put together a public information meeting in November and start organizing.

Mara Salvatrucha

We should all be very afraid but not to the point we allow ourselves to become paralysed.

For more information please check out the following links:

I am going to continue to "educate" for a bit yet and then we will organize a public meeting. We have a lot of work to do right now and need to put the pressure on Finnie, Rowe and Carlson.

Lastly the link for our Nano Technology guy:

Fascinating I thought. Any thoughts comments or ideas, drop me a note. Till then see ya on the radio!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

October 18, 2005

First here are all the links you need on Gangs:

I hope I am not whistling to an empty room on all this. It is very frustrating to know more than you can say, to know the threat is real, to know your city is in danger and yet not be able to get the message through. If I have any credibility in your mind please do some research, ask questions of police officers you trust, check with credible people and you will find I am NOT blowing the threat out of proportion.

Closing one night club after another only moves the problem around it does not solve it. We need to make the city understand they have to take more direct action. Closing bars to anyone under 21 would help, so too would extending hours and letting people slowly disperse rather than a mob of drunks all at once.

Ideas, possible solutions please let me know.

See you on the radio!

Friday, October 14, 2005

October 14, 2005

Incredible turn out for our first Fair Tax Rally. Close to 100 people mid week and on a night the Cards were playing. Thank you to everyone who made the evening a success. I told you Gary Floyd was a knowledgeable speaker.

As to our friend and his hate mail, Denise has a few words to say:

This letter is in response to the person who accused Vince of using me for ratings.

When I heard about the Walk 4 Life Event, I approached Vince and asked him if I could come on the show to promote the Pregnancy Care Center and share my story.

I am not ashamed to talk about what has happened in my life. God has given me many opportunities to minister to and encourage women and men who have been through similar situations.

My story is my testimony. God has met me in very profound ways and shown me the truth of forgiveness. The scriptures say that it is "the truth (that) sets us free." If I can only touch one more person, by being on Vince's show, then so be it. But I touched more than one person. Many have responded with encouraging letters. Many had the opportunity to hear God's truth of freedom in forgiveness. And you had the opprotunity to hear the truth of God's empowerment.

It is by God's grace that I am saved and also by God's grace that I speak out on the radio, in the work place, and any other place that God shows me that someone needs to hear from Him. It is His testimony not mine, He gave it to me.

Do not try to make Vince out to being some low life. He is a good man. I adore him and gladly sat beside him to share my story. Vince has courage and conviction. He speaks his heart and takes the jabs continuing to do great things to make our community a better place. I am proud of him.

I don't know who you are. But this letter is from Denise Jericho

See ya on the radio!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

October 11, 2004

I had someone send me the latest of Charlie Daniels Blog. Worth the read I think.

First Hand Account
Most of us know only what we have read in the press or seen on television insofar as what has happened in the city of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. And anyone who has ever dealt with the media knows that they report what they want to. They leave a lot out and emphasize the things that they want to impress us with.It is always good to get another view from a different perspective.I have a friend who works with a forensic team, which is called in after major catastrophes with major loss of life.He worked in New York after 9-11 and was called to New Orleans due to the tremendous undertaking to identifythe hundreds of bodies in New Orleans after the levees broke.Below are some of his first hand impressions. I will warn you that they are graphic and shocking, so if you’re squeamish you’d best stop reading right here.“I learned a long time ago about the press. Never is the truth told.However, I can share with you some firsthand news. Things I saw with my own eyes.Fetuses, unborn babies came through morgue operations that literally fell out of victims of Katrina running from the floodwaters. Lots of fetuses.Poverty? One victim across my table had $8,000.00 cash in his pocket.Another victim had $6500.00 cash. These folks are loaded with cash. Big time cash.Gators and dogs are feeding on human remains, limbs chewed off, guts eaten out, ears chewed off, maggot infestation and human behavior like I have never witnessed before.Every pharmacy looted down to nothing. All drugs looted from every pharmacy. Drug crazed people everywhere.Imagine, tens of thousands of people in the Superdome, high on every drug available, topped off with whiskey, sex going on all over the playing field. That’s the true picture. Draw your own conclusions.I can tell you that the entire city of New Orleans smells exactly like the morgue I was stationed in. And remember, these same gators, dogs, and other animals are excreting human flesh and human organs as waste with every known virus, bacteria, fungus, mold, and spore known to man. Dead alligators are lying in the medians of I-10. It was totally disgusting, denigrating, repulsive, wicked, evil, and every adjective you can think of associated with evil and lunacy. Complete chaos, anarchy, bedlam, madness on a scale like I never witnessed before. I caught a glimpse of the ultimate worse of human behavior and better realized why Jesus wept.It was because he could not imagine how his people can be that disgusting, cruel, immoral, and inhuman. Evil to the nth degree, exponential 1000. It made me sick to my stomach.”End quotes.This is not a pretty picture and one that I’m sure some people had just as soon not been revealed, but the truth is the truthand for the honest horror of this tragic event to be realizedthe truth needs to be told.Pray for our troopsWhat do you think?

God Bless America

Charlie DanielsOctober 10, 2005

Don't forget Fair Tax Rally, 6:30 pm, Thursday Night, Clarion Hotel, 3333 South Glenstone.

See you on the radio

Monday, October 10, 2005

October 10, 2005

The Community Safety Initiative

I do not have the time for an exhaustive explanation of my opposition to this "new tax" but I would like to dedicate a few lines if I might.

Is it possible that by creating an "Early Childhood Development Center" we will over time lower the crime rate? Yes, there even appears to be studies and statistics to lead one to believe that is exactly what will happen.

As a conservative this is a difficult thing to argue against however values, what a person says they believe in and then what they really live are the only real criteria by which we can measure integrity.

My beliefs political and spiritual are such that I could never give over or away Parental rights and privileges. I can appreciate that if we intervene with a Government Program we may see a downward blip in the crime rate but what we will not be able to measure is our ever increasing creep toward socialism, One more thing we have given over to an all knowing and benevolent Government that has our best interests at heart and fundamentally is far better equipped to raise children.

It is not the most contemporary of works but I urge you to read Huxley's "Brave New World". This book was written in the late 19th or early 20th century yet it is frightening how clearly he was able to see what the future would look like.

Free sex with no conscious, genetically selected children and The State raising and conditioning children so they would better fit in; be happier and more productive.

Does any of this sound familiar?

You can call me an alarmist but I am alarmed at how many freedoms we have lost and how quickly we seem to be willing to give away yet another.

See you on the radio!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

October 6, 2005

Denise is down with a cold so we'll have to wait another day or to to read her reaction to our friends email.

Got an excellent email that built on this mornings discussion.


You're right about the need to wake up the true conservatives in the area and the country, too. However outside of the abortion debate and the degradation of television, most Christian churches preach a message that counters that of a conservative political position. Don't confuse Religious Right with Conservatism. They're similar but not identical. Church leaders often preach tolerance, passivity and charity. All are good intentions and all are deemed to be "Christ-like." But I'd proffer that the position should be modified to stress self-sufficiency, hard work and thrift, too.

One-by-one, our politicians have steadily been reduced to cash-sucking pups at the teat of the special interest groups. "Follow the money" is more than an oft used phrase. No matter local, state or federal, access the representatives is sold in wholesale fashion brokered by those in staff positions of the various Reps and Senators.

Over the past three decades, the nation has changed and we've steadily allowed ourselves to be converted into a nation of entitled elite softies. I challenge you to name another country where the poor are overweight! We're a glutinous, undisciplined, pop-culture-worshipping lot bent on self gratification. We've slid down the slope of easy entitlements and expect the government to take care of us and demand action when it does not.

Mr. Bush's legacy while deemed by many to be the various appointments to the Supreme Court and the Federal bench, will instead really be the dissolution of the conservative movement. Its easy to be conservative when your belly is full and your wallet is fat. True conservatives don't take the government hand-outs.

Come see us today at Business Expo and all weekend at Farm Expo.

Fair Tax Rally next Thursday evenjing 6:30 pm, Clarion Hotel in Springfield

Pick up our feature author of the week, Toney Blankly at Heritage Book Store, South Campbell.

See you on the radio!

Monday, October 03, 2005

October 3, 2005

Can you feel the love in this one. Besides the cheap uneducated and cowardly shot at my wife, what really cracks me up is after all the shotgun blasts he asks for my help. Huh????

To: Vince Jericho
Subject: accountablility

Mr. Jericho,
I'm feeling compelled to sit and write you this letter on the basis of holding you accountable like you seem to want to do to everyone else. Why do you get on the show and blab on about people who arent listening to you? Lets take Monday mornings's show- after a big protest last weekend you got on the air trying to act like you just had the roughest weekend making comments like "Im getting all kinds of opposition folks" and really hamming it up. You sounded like a big whinebag- it was ridiculous. What was actualy worse was when you started lashing out at that leader of the peace group when you know that she's not listening to
you- it sounded HORRIBLE. Monday morningo's show was one of the worse that I have heard. What really pushed it over the top was when you said that you wanted to get some security or maybe even a few guardian angels out there to back you up- come on pal, if the guardian angels are so needed then they dont have time to be out guarding you from what your big mouth can get you into. The last thing you really need is security out there- what you DO need is to learn to control your mouth- of course since youve been beat, kicked, stabbed im sure you think your invinceable- your not!

Your going to come up against someone who is going to clean your clock and then leave your cripped wife and kids all alone and a burden on the government which your so critical of. At least calm down at events for the sake of your family. When your at public events consider your appearance and your actions- look at the pictures on the website, the ones for Cider days with the uncombed mop and the hat was just rediculous. When your out there at puiblic events your representing not only the cause and the show but the station as well.
If you dont want to station to look like a bunch of Hoosiers then take your appearance into consideration.

I understand that you like to go for the "hippy" vibe but at least try to look like a hippy that is clean. I tell you these things to hold you accountable and make you aware of what you may not realize. I think Kortny doing the weight loss thing and focusing on her appearance is POSITIVE. I seen her at some of the events (Auto Magic and a couple others) and she has always looked nice and been a good reflection of the station and integerity of the station and show and now she looks even better. Kudo';s to Kortny

Next issue.......
Wednesday I was listening to the show and you started in about not having a downtown library- I thought it was funny when people called in and started telling you �HELLO- WE DOOOOOOO HAVE A DOWNTOWN LIBRARY! Of course like EVERYTHING else- the one we have just isnt good enough. Funny thing is- if they were to build one you'd cry that it wasnt big enough OR that it was too big, or SOMETHING else- regaurdless of what was done youd find SOMETHING to gripe about. Where does the city REALLY need a library? The SOUTH side of town, take the area of independence and Glenstone- the closest library to that section is the library center (south) Campbell or the brentwood branch (seminole- behind the community blood center) that area needs one more than one at the square!

Next issue.......
Your stand against James River Assembly is unmerited and just off base. That church has done A LOT for our community and for you to not get your way with one issue and start to try to strong arm money out of them is just wrong. That church seen the need for hurricane relief and raised OVER 1/4 million in less than a week from the congregation to help the people in need- THATS effective Christianity. I dont agree with everything as in regaurds to their doctrine and some other things BUT what they are doing is an overall good thing. You have talked down to them for a LONG time before you invited that pastor on to promote their circus that they put on for the 4th of July (the biggest event in the history of missouri). I dont see why they SHOULD give any money to a cause that your trying to lead. Its looked like your crime lab has just fizzeled. The last progress that I heard on the air was "I've got some things working behind the scenes"- Come one Vince.

If you REALLY want to meet with the pastors from James River, you HAVE to go about it a different way. If you cared about the crime lab more than the ratings of you show, youd swallow your PRIDE and call them, apologize and ask whoever over there for a meeting- ONE ON ONE- NOT ON AIR, and talk about the facts. The congregation at James River is BIGGER than your listening audience.

THINK ABOUT THAT. If you would handle yourself correctly you COULD get something done. You mentioned a few weeks ago that you kinda prefered when your daughters school teachers feared you and when you "got in their face" it always got things done. This isnt the way that anyone that has integerity works- the leadership of that church HAS integerity. A good comparison is the way that President Bush dealt with Ciny Sheehan (im sure I have mispelled her name- I apologize about that),Bush had enough integerity that he really was just above the situation and didnt need to deal with her and didnt have to deal with her.
Replace those people with you as Cindy and President Bush with John Lindell or ANYONE on the pastoral
staff- they just dont feel the need to deal with you, mainly because of their perception of you through your actions and words.

Next issue........
Hypocrisy, You were barking this morning about chrstians who are hypocrites, how do you justify that?
You get on air day after day hour after hour and claim to be a Christian while using some of the most fould language a (christian) talk host could use. If your going to say youre a christian PLEASE clean up the way you live. Theres a scripture that says something along the lines 'in your anger, dont sin'. If you want to be "angry and standing up for whats right' thats fine- just at least make an effort to live according to what you are claiming to be. Its funny to me that you call Christians who doesnt hop on board board with you, you call a hypocrite. A couple months back you were griping that James River advertises in the News Leader and calling that hypocritical- if that IS hypocritical then yourself being the program director carrying a show like Neal Boortz, who has an OPPOSITE view of what you claim to stand for is hypocritical. Boortz hold view that are directly contradictory to yours, the stations, your shows, and Gods, how can it be that you carry his show and not consider yourself a hypocrite. Back in August you had a guy that called in and made some ignorant remark and then hung up and then you called him dumb A _ _ and then proceeded to keep going with it and then have a twist on the word was just NOT what a christian man would do. If you did lose your cool for a second you would have apologized for it and then went on about the show. Im trying my best to use actual examples to help you realized what im talking about.

Next issue.........
Why is it that you cant find ANYTHING positive to talk about as in reguards to our country, our gonvernment, our city, our county, or any church in the area? Its odd that all you do is complain about the politicians and our gonvernemt and then at the end of the show 'this is STILL the greatest country' If you dont like the way this country is run then go find someother country. Try to at least come up with something good to say about the wonderful country that we live in.
All the negativity gets old after awhile- I find myself changing the station more often lately- I generaly go to Mike Gallager on 1340 if your show becomes unbearable.
I know that theres a part of you that ISNT in this and making issues for the ratings, and I can appriciate that- all of us would like to see changes here and there but try to at least be able recognize people when they DO accomplish something. An example is when James River Assembly seen the need for hurricane relief and raised the money from the congregations pocket and sent medical teams down to help people- and if I understand it right, they were RUNNING a hospital down there and helping victims- yet you had to much pride to at least acknowlege they WERE doing something positive. Convoy of Hope is a GREAT organization and from talking to them, MOST (not all but most) of the people that run that place attend James River and that church sent MULTIPLE trucks out to the disaster via Convoy of Hope and covered the cost. Do you have so much pride that you cant at least say- 'I dont agree with everything they do but I have to say James River has done a good job stepping up to the need in LA.'
You cant stomach the idea that they ARE doing some good.
I have a sister that was raped and I would have loved to see evidence get processed quicker- im the first to stand up and say that having a crime lab here WOULD be a good thing, I dont think its practical- but I think it would be a good thing. Me personaly being effected by crimes and would have been benifited by having a crime lab here- I still dont have anything against a church that is doing something good but not coughing up the money to buy a crime lab.

Next Issue.......
Wednesdays show- I thought it was EXTREMELY tacky of you getting your wife on the show and exploiting her disability and really tugging on the emotions of people to get them to pledge money- that was WRONG!
Ive met Denise, when I shook her hand I knew that she was a sweet lady and then when I heard you introducing her on the radio I felt someone kick me in the stomach because I just felt so bad for her that you were out parading your wife like that. You were saying thats its her idea but its YOUR job as her husband to protect her and putting her out like that was not protection but exploitaion. If you were sensative to what shes going through instead of out trying to be a hero you would have told her that youd mention it on the radio and push for the donations. Instead you seen a way to out her out there and take advantage of a sad situation.

Next issue.........
For the sake of the station who carries the greats like Bill ORielly, Hannity, Savage, Ingram try to clean it up a bit and lighten up. There are mornings that people dont want to be bombarded with negativity as soon as they wake up. There are certain things and people that SHOULD be called out and held accountable but just picking everyone apart for every little thing just doesnt work on a long term basis. I remember the Bible saying something like 'take the beam out of your eye before complaining about the speck in anothers eye (it may say your brothers eye)' Im no expert on the bible so I may have that off just a bit, but since you are also a bible scholar im sure you know the passage that im talking about and youre able to correct me on that as well.
Im a fairly loyal listener and I listen from 6:00-7:00 and then depending on my work load in the A.M. I listen till the end or like I mentioned before I'll switch to 1340 at 8:00. I just feel its important to hold you accountable and take you to task on a few issues since from what Ive gathered im not the only one who feels this way.

Im considering entering the 'blogeshphere' what do you think is the best blog host.

I think I'll take this clown on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

See you on the radio!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

September 29, 2005

Of Gas and Stem Cells

I am getting so tired of being ripped off at the pump. I AM for a free market but by Milton Friedman's definition you have to have free access and free information. Access into the oil production, refining and retailing is all controlled therefore this is NOT a free market example so all you critics out there take note: you cannot use a flawed model. We ARE being ripped off to the tune of 400% increases in profits. For you Econ Majors that by definition IS Economic Rent.

One thing bugs me though and that is why did Nixon only go after retailers and why only selected ones. To cherry pick one retailer in Springfield strikes me as odd and the fines are a joke.

Stem Cells.
The Baby Mathew is going to get spanked on this. The latest research on ADULT Stem cells is show great promise for paraplegics with even some regeneration of the spinal column noted.

Money has corrupted more than one Politician. If someone tells me they are a Buddhist I expect a certain sets of behaviors and values. Similarly with a Governor who says he is a Christian and Pro-Life.

You blew this one Mathew.

Links for today's show

Adult Stem Cell Research:

Don't forget Minuteman Rally in front of Talent's office Sat 10 am 1721 West Elfindale

See you on the radio!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

September 28, 2005

Keep SW Missouri Meth Cooks in Business!!

9-illegals froom Mexico busted for importing and distributing meth. Bad enough our tradesman have had to contend with cheaper illegal imigrant labor now our meth cooks are having to contend with cheaper higher quality meth from Mexico. NAFTA is screwing us all.

Walk for Life

Thank you to all those who contributed to my wife Denise's walk for life. I hope you were able to hear her story of courage and hope. She IS an incredible lady and I am honored she consented to be my wife!

If you still wanted to pledge, email me at

Remember all the money goes to help The Crisis Pregnancy Care Center in Springfield.

Help Mom there are Liberals under my Bed

FOr more info go to:

Great lady, great book.

Downtown Library

If we are going to spend money {read government} then spend it on something that makes sense. A show piece Library makes sense!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

September 27, 2005

SERVICE DUTY HONOR vs poison hate contempt

I love Ameirca!

It really is that simple. I adore our country and will do everything I can to protect her and our way of life. Trash the like written by Joan Collins and published in the Fish Wrapper MUST be exposed as the traitorous trash it is. To assert that those serving in our military are the dregs, too poor or too stupid to understand they have options is an insult not just to every soldier but every real American.

Contrast her sickening drivel with this email from my favorite Marine, Nick Ibarra:

Hello to all:

Well, this is my final letter from this country. We are done, just waiting to hop from place to place until we get home. It seems surreal. Anyhow, I have something to share with you guys. I truly do appreciate the time all of you have taken to read my letters, as well as the 90% of you who have written back. Well, I wrote a poem about being out here, and I wanted to share it with you. I wrote it for myself, to always remember; but I wanted to share it with those that I call my friends. If you are reading this that is what you are. So here goes:

From the Lexington Green to Fallujah,
Patriots have stood by one another,
In defense of our nations liberty,
Fighting with each man as a brother.

Now it is my turn to go,
And stand up for what I believe;
I will do my part to defend my nation,
I won't quit my post until properly relieved.

The sand makes the sun a litle more bright.
The beads of sweat roll down my face.
It is my first time out of the wire,
This feeling I will forever embrace.

Time has passed along with missions,
Repetitive motion has taught me to stay calm;
Thoughts often revert to the wife and kids,
And also to the 91st Psalm.

But I have to remain ready;
For when it happens, it happens fast.
And there is nothing I want less,
Than for any of us to become a memory of the past.

Now time is getting short,
But my posture remains erect.
Looking back on the time,
I begin to reflect.

I have recieved the command to lock and load,
A total of 94 times,
I wouldn't choose to do it again for a million dollars,
But wouldn't trade the memory for that 10 times.

I've carried the dead and seen the wounded,
Helpless on the stretchers they straddle,
I've been close enough to being on the other side
To make my ears ring and my brain rattle.

In time I will look to these days,
A time when my honor was always kept clean,
It will always make me stand a little taller,
Because I'm an American, because I'm a United States Marine.

Semper Fi--

SERVICE DUTY HONOR vs. poison hate contempt

Links from today's show.
Exposing Americans for United Peace and Justice:

Community Air Patrol needs help:

Something special on air tomorrow, my wife Denise.

Vincent David Jericho
News Talk KSGF
104.1 FM
1260 AM
Weekdays 6 - 9 AM

Monday, September 26, 2005

September 26, 2005

We're back!!

Going to post daily, I promise, Mon - Fri before noon.

Saturday at Camp USA was a great event, although satan's sisters tried to screw things up. Got an email from a peacemaker. This was the guy last week who called the show and wanted "documentation" and I blew off suggesting this was just someone wanting to cause trouble. He showed up Saturday, sought me out and started whispering sweet nothing in my ear about the show and all the great things we had done and how he respected me...."Danger Vince Jericho, DANGER"

Well when the incident on the other side occured our "peacemaker" was there again, playing both sides. He tried to get on the show this am with his version of the truth. I was not intersted in his version of the truth, I was there I know what happened and for what is worth I have a couple of Marines who are willing to back me up, unlike the man who earlier in the day was oh so willing to say sweet things. Now I think he would be the lead witness for the other side in a lawsuit if given the chance.

He wrote me a letter after the show and I replied. I include both. I have removed his name.

-----Original Message-----
From: __________________?
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 12:48 PM
To: Vince Jericho
Subject: the guy you don't trust, please don't delete!

Dear Vince,
Let me preface this by saying that my grandpa served during WWII, my dad served during Korea, my brother is in the navy, my nephew is in the marines, and I tried to join the military but was rejected because of health reasons. I voted for Bush, and I believe he is trying to do good and that he is a good man. That is why I chose to go to the Camp USA side, because I agree with you that I do not want to have our troops feel that they are not supported and that we are not trying to do things that are good in Iraq. I also agree that the time for debate was before we had men committed to life and death situations.

I hope you will take time to read this rather lengthy e-mail and hopefully answer me back.
I am the man that you did not trust because I was talking to people on both sides. I am sad that you do not trust me and that you felt you needed to hang up on me. However, I think you should not have hung up on me. I apologize since I should have spoken to you in private and not on the air. That was a mistake on my part. I do not think you are an abuser! I do admire and respect you. I consider myself a seeker of truth, and I look to you as one of my sources, as well as ideas about what is right and wrong, good and bad. I was not the first to go over to the other side; before even going, I did want to do so because I have a dream of being a sort of bridge to help to bring people together. Again, about what happened with the young man, I understand getting upset, I am sad to say I have a problem with anger, and I am working on improving that. And it seemed you might as well. Your chest did touch his and you took a few steps toward him while he backed up. He claimed you stepped on his toes, but I did not see that. It did not appear as innocent as you may remember it. Still, you did not touch him with your hands as others had claimed. I also think it is important to confront people, and I especially liked when you talked to the man who accused you of editing the tape. I was very pleased to know you would be playing the whole tape on Sunday.

I am not so interested in tolerance that I do not want to stand up for what I believe to be right. One example of that is homosexuality. Even if there is a genetic component of their desire, I think that is something that is important to overcome; just like a temptation one might have to cheat on one's wife or to be a pedophile. I believe that in the long run these sins will not bring them or others to happiness, and God wants them to resist those temptations. I believe in the importance of the family.

The reason I wanted to get some of the information on your blog is because I work with a great number of people who do not support Bush, and I want to be able to talk with them intelligently and persuasively about the war.

Once again, I was and will continue to stand up for you, and again, I apologize that I confronted you on your show -- that was a real mistake on my part.
One of the youth over there was very grateful that several of us went over and talked to them. We were able to make one another really think about our positions.

I guess the reason I was nervous the other day is because I am a bit confused about what I support. I do believe in some things very strongly. One of those things is that this country was founded by men who were inspired of God and that God has a real interest in what this country does. I too do not agree with the way I want people to get along, I do not want to appease evil, I do want to stand up to it. I am glad that Saddam is gone, I would love it if we could do that in more parts of the world. Boy it is hard to say all I think because I am still unsure. But one thing I am sure of is that we are all brothers and sisters and that God loves us all and that he wants us to get along as best we can; still, if we are not guilty of the first offense nor of the second then God does not want us to suffer our enemies to destroy us. I think there is truth and error on both sides, but still, I spent most of my time on the Camp USA side. I did not like how Camp USA side was yelling and swearing at the other side. I liked that you said we should not do that I wish that more had done that. Actually most did do it but there were a few. I asked you for info on things like the 9/11 commision report and the support of Iraq for Al Quaeda also.
We have had a difficult time with this -- you have not trusted nor liked me since the first time I called. I hope to change that. I hope to learn from you, but I hope we can learn from one another.

Thank you,

My Reply


Appreciate your openness. Given your handle I am sure you can understand the legal position my enemies would like to put me in. Beyond that given the success of the show and our courage in confronting {and no confronting a 16 year old is not courage} I have become a very large target locally. Both times when I went over to "The other side" I went over respectfully and more than willing to give them their say. I was greeted with name calling talking over and abuse. I think I am a few years older than you. I once was a conciliator or tried to be. It does not work. The level of hysteria has risen on both sides to the point where people talk at not to one another.

I believe in the Bible and a personal savior, Jesus Christ. I believe we are in a time where the enemy is so blinded and dogmatic there will be no dialogue just war. HEAR ME CLEARLY ON THIS PLEASE; I am not advocating violence but I do believe there are analogies between now and Old Testament times. People love to throw out the gentle side of Jesus while forgetting he is part of a Holy Trinity that got so fed up with man they wiped out the whole of the earth save one family. A God who told the Israelites to wipe out whole countries, men woman AND children. God is not a wimp and plays for keeps. The Bible says on that day {judgment} many will say "Lord, Lord didn't we prophesei and cast out demons in your name" and God will say "Away from me I never knew you." Judgment IS coming and for a lot of people it will not be a "happy time". I look into the eyes of many on that side and they were so filled with hate and anger. Did our side have a few wing nuts? Yes but there was a lot more love of country and God than I saw in the "Peace" camp.

Now IS a time to STAND.
Now is a time to know WHAT and WHY you are standing.

People who try to play both sides no matter what their stated motives will never have my trust. I can respect a man who disagrees with me and knows why. I will not respect or make allowances for, anyone who takes the middle ground.

Best of ALL things,

Vincent David JerichoProgram Director/Talk HostKSGF Radio
America's Best Local Broadcast Company,
Journal Broadcast Group
Phone: 417-447-1826
Fax: 417-865-9643

Snail: 2330 Grand, Springfield, MO 65802

Links from todays show: John Combest

See ya on the radio!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

May 4, 2005

Here's the link to the mosque story from Tuesday.

Check out Steve Altens newest book and enter to win a trip to Loch Ness in Scotland.

Learn more about Victory Mission:

Want more on the Independant America Party?

Marriage Coach, Susan Allan:

Wow, a full week and it's just Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

April 20, 2005

Columbine - 6 years ago.

To read the minute by minute police report I used on the show:

Also if you have a young person in your life who is showing signs of allienation and isolating themselves you can contact Suzy Henderson at Burrel Behav. Health, 1300 East Bradford Pkwy, Springfield, MO 65804 269-5400.

Don't forget Court Watch Meeting, next Thursday.

Monday, April 11, 2005

April 11, 2005

Interested in hearing the truth about the Vietnam War in the words of a medic who lived there and died there.

Problems or concerns re medicade. Call Sate Representative Mark Wright. 573-751-6562.

Monday, April 04, 2005

April 4, 2005

Here are the links to the columns I was refering today on the show:

David Limbaugh,: Awakening a Sleeping Giant

Ann Coulter: The Emporer's New Robes;

Pat Buchanan: The Execution of Terri Schiavo

Don't miss Voctor Mordecai, this Wednesday 7:05.

April 4, 2005

Friday, April 01, 2005

April 1, 2005

Let us never forget Terri Schiavo or what all March 31, 2005 means.

For more info on today's show, the link to get more on the mis-truths put forth by AARP can be found at

Stay tuned some big announcements coming soon.

The so called advanced directive is being interpreted as your decision to turn everything off including food and water. Forget the "living will" authored by pro-euthanasia groups instead I would recommend a "Will to Live"

Denise and I are going to fill ours out this weekend!

Friday, March 25, 2005

March 25, 2005

Want the whole Terri Schiavo story?

Thursday's guest, ethics author and lawyer Wes Smith:

I want to thank Carrie Fain from Salute the troops for being a guest on the show today. Learn more at:

Finally we are planning a candle - light vigil on the square downtown Springfield, Tuesday, 7:30pm - 8:30pm. Please be respectful to those wishing to pass by on sidewalk and do not interfere with traffic.

It is a BYOC event! {Bring Your Own Candle}

Friday, March 04, 2005

March 4, 2005

Beneath is copy of invitation to John Twitty and the Mayor to appear on my show.

Would like to extend an invitation for you and Mayor Carlson to appear on my show.

I am sure you have heard about my reports and issues raised re: BNSF Rail Contract, Nixa Contract, Wages and Grand River Dam Authority Contract.

I would be happy to set aside the whole of the 7 or 8 o’clock hour, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday next week. If these dates do not work please let me know of an appropriate date and I will clear the schedule to accommodate you.

From my standpoint I think it appropriate that both of you be here at the same time to answer on behalf of CU and the City.

I will be posting this invitation on my blog for public record.
Best of ALL things,
Vincent David Jericho
Program Director/Talk Host
KSGF Radio
America's Best Local Broadcast Company,
Journal Broadcast Group

Phone: 417-865-6614 Fax: 417-865-9643
Email: vjericho@ksgf.comSnail: 2330 Grand, Springfield, MO 65802

Thursday, March 03, 2005

March 3, 2005

If you want to speak out on City Utilities or the City's agreement with The Police Department here are the people you need to call.

City of Springfield, Missouri - Mayor & City Council
Contact Information

City Council Members

Thomas J. Carlson Mayor2005
864-7772, ext. 112

Denny Whayne Zone 1 Councilmember 2005

Shelia O. Wright Zone 2 Councilmember 2007

Ralph K. Manley Mayor Pro Tem Zone 3 Councilmember 2007

John Wylie Zone 4 Councilmember 2005

Mary Collette General Councilmember A 2005

Gary Deaver General Councilmember B 2005

Conrad Griggs General Councilmember C 2007

Bob Jones General Councilmember D 2007

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

March 2, 2005

Check out the basis on which The Men in Black are selling out our Constitution to the UN. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This IS scarry stuff.

Would you like a copy of The 10 Commandments suitable for hanging at work. Home would be good too!

Want more stuff on City Utilities???? to you on the radio...6 - 9 am on News Talk 104.1 FM: 1260 AM KSGF.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

February 24, 2005

America gets a reprieve. Court to hear appeal on basis of Terri being Catholic and the Pope's edict that infirmed must receive food and water. Removing the feeding tube would go against Catholic doctrine. Pplease continue to pray and see the links from yesterday.

Congrats to Missouri State Senator, Gross, yet isn't it sad we have to have a bill to protect :

To amend chapter 160, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to the powers of local school boards.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 160, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one
new section, to be known as section 160.745, to read as follows:
160.745. 1. This act shall be known as "The Founding Documents
Protection Act".
2. The board of directors of any school district shall not
prohibit any teacher or administrator in a public school district of the
state of Missouri to read or post in a public school building, classroom, or
at a school event any excerpts or portions of the following:
(1) National motto;
(2) National anthem;
(3) Pledge of allegiance;
(4) Preamble of the Missouri Constitution;
(5) Declaration of Independence;
(6) Mayflower Compact;
(7) The writings, speeches, documents, and proclamations of the
founding fathers and presidents of the United States;
(8) The United States Supreme Court decisions; and
(9) Acts of the United States Congress, including the published
text of the Congressional Record.
3. There shall be no content-based censorship of American
history or heritage in the state of Missouri based on religious references
in the writings, documents, and records specified in this section.rect

To send a letter of support visit Senator Gross:

Help our police!

In an appeal through billboards and radio ads, Springfield police officers are asking for the public's support in their pay dispute with the city. At issue are the hours officers spend working holidays, such as Christmas and New Year's. In the past, officers could either take the paid time off later or save it to add to their pensions. The city wants to sharply cap how many hours officers get paid at retirement

Learn more:

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

February 23, 2005

Today at 4:00 pm central, America will change forever. Once more the rights of the weak, the rights of those who cannot speak fortunes will be further eroded. One wonders how long it will be before we have government mandated birth and death dates.

Believe me it is coming.

I pray each of you will do all you can to change the course of history. To learn the truth of the Terri Schiavo case log onto the following websites:

I ask you take appropriate action be it emailing Governor Bush:
The Florida Legislature:
Florida Supreme

Most of all PRAY!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

February 22, 2005

A coupple of links for you. Want to know more about becomming a Minuteman. Go to:

If you want to by Mark Levin's book, AND YOU SHOULD!

More later.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

February 15, 2005

What a day. Looks like SMSU is finally going to become MSU. Stay tuned we'll have updates on KSGF all day.

How will Springfield and area respond?

A listener, Mitch, from Webster City has challenged ya'all to meet his pledge to New Higher Ground Cathedral of Praise. If you are so inclined send your check to:
KSGF Radio
2330 West Grand
Springfield, MO 65802

Attention: Vince Jericho

You can call the church: 417-8667329 or 417-865-3255.

Interested in Alternative Energy? Check out Mike Browns website:

Monday, February 14, 2005

February 14, 2005 Valentine's Day

I love you Denise!

Interested in signing petition in support of Springfield Police's battle with Tom Finney;

Do you know a women who is at risk and needs help. The Hiding Place hotline: 417-676-0542.
The Hiding Pplace Thrift Store is located at 1601 "B" West Sunshine. Call 417-862-0900.

Friday, January 28, 2005

January 28, 2004

This an unbelievably important time in our history. Please keep the people of Iraq, the election and our soldiers in your prayers.

If you are as disgusted as I am with Ted (hic) Kennedy, please contact the following and let them know you want them to stand up for what's right!

Office of US Congressman Roy Blunt
In the Seventh District: 2740-B East SunshineSpringfield, Missouri 65804(417) 889-1800 (417) 889-4915 Fax

Office of US Senator Jim Talent
Washington, DC Office 493 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-6154 Fax: 202-228-1518

Springfield Office 1721 West ElfindaleSuite 301Springfield, Missouri 65807Phone: 417-831-2735

Office of Governor Matt Blunt
P.O. Box 809-AJefferson City MO 65102Telephone: (573) 751-3222

Friday, January 21, 2005

January 21, 2005

Yikes! Lots happeniing including a lot of changes with computer system which should have big impact on how we sound. Should start to hear difference next Tuesday. From this morning the Hot Line for The Hiding Place is 417-676-0542. If you have a friend that may need a safe place to escape Domestic Abuse, please share this number with them. If you want more info or can help/volunteer; call Carolyn Daniel at 417-546-9100.

Police/Court Blotter is on the way. Should have link up in about a week. Surprised at lack of enthusiasm for a real, paid Mayor who has City Manager answer to him/her.

Your thoughts? How about future topics?